About Me

Welcome to my webpage!

I’m a Professor of Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Barcelona School of Economics.

My research is in the fields of Labor, Public, and Health Economics. You can find my google scholar profile here.


My paper “The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Family-Friendly Policies on Mothers’ Employment” (with Alicia de Quinto) is now accepted at Labour Economics (December 2024). Read our discussion piece at IZA WoL here. 

My paper “The Effect of Abortion Legalization on Fertility, Marriage, and Long-Term Outcomes for Women” (with Sergi Jiménez, Natalia Nollenberger and Judit Vall) is now conditionally accepted at the Economic Journal (November 2024).

Check out this nice short video from a recent conference where I talk about my research, and this interview where I discuss the effects of paternity leave policies.